Monday, December 14, 2009

Ear Piercing Causes Eczema

Ear Piercing Causes Eczema

Ear piercing is very popular these days, this has been influenced a lot thanks to changing fashion statements. Ear piercing is expected to get much more popular. Atopic eczema has also become very common but very few studies have dealt with the idea that ear piercing itself could be responsible for causing eczema.

Ear piercing involves putting a hole in your ear and then putting a piece of metal through it. This leads to contact with heavy metals like nickel and cobalt. It is strictly advisable to do the piercing under perfectly hygienic conditions. Even after the piercing is finished, there are some precautions that you should follow.

Atopic eczema is triggered by certain allergens in affected people. An exposure to a certain material could trigger eczema, could a metal such as nickel trigger eczema?

Scientists have researched whether nickel can cause a trigger for atopic eczema. In an experiment on 960 young girls it is found that around 13% of those who got their ears pierced, went on to develop allergic skin reactions. Of the same sample, only 1% of those who did not get their ears pierced had eczema. Similarly, in an study on 520 young Swedish men doing compulsory military service, it is found that hypersensitivity to nickel and cobalt is higher (in 8% men) among those who got piercing. In contrast only 2.7% of those who did not get their ear pierced developed eczema. In another study on 424 Norwegian schoolchildren aged between 7-12 years, 89 children had their ears pierced and 79 developed skin allergies to metallic jewellery, which is a whopping 88% of those who had their ears pierced! These studies statistically relate ear piercing consisting of nickel and cobalt to atopic eczema, and establish the metals as allergens to a significant percentage of the population.

It is possible to protect yourself from allergic reactions, first you should start by visiting your doctor for an allergen test. If you discover that you are not allergic to nickel then it should be ok to go ahead and have your ears pierced.

Another less obvious reason for skin allergies after getting ear pierced might not actually be the metal, it could be the latex gloves that are worn by the person that pierces your ear. If you believe you are allergic to latex or rubber, then you should request that the person uses a pair of gloves made out of a different material. Since children have showed very high susceptibility towards possible nickel sensitization (88% as compared to 13% among adult men) it can be seen that children are much more sensitive, and so extreme care should be taken when considering piercing your child's ears. For people suffering from diabetes, epilepsy, hypertension, heart disease or hemophilia, it is important to seek your doctor's approval before even considering piercing your ears.

Good skin health is far more important than just making a fashion statement. After all a face full of rash doesn't make a good fashion statement anyway! With a little precaution and restraint it is possible to prevent developing atopic eczema.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

An Introduction To Bottom Lip Piercing

An Introduction To Bottom Lip Piercing

Bottom lip piercing is a tradition practiced by several ancient groups of people. There was a tribe in Mali, for instance, who had once looked at piercing as one way to celebrate how their ancestral god had granted upon them the ability to speak for themselves. In the ancient civilizations of the Aztecs and the Mayans, a man who has his lips pierced is considered to be a part of the highest level of their society. These days however, men and women, especially artists, wear lip rings to express themselves.

However much bottom lip piercing may help you achieve, do put it in your mind that bottom lip and lip piercing in general is a very serious thing to do to yourself. When making your decision to go ahead with it, you have to consider the consequences and outcome that might make you think twice about getting pierced in the first place. Add the fact that the piercing is something that you can not easily take off once the novelty of the idea wears off. But even after these warnings you still would want to go ahead and have your lip - bottom or otherwise, pierced, do take note of the following before going ahead with your decision.

First, make sure that you ask around and eventually choose a piercing specialist who is well recommended, officially trained, experienced and trustworthy. It would not hurt to find out if he is a certified member of the APP or the Association of Professional Piercers. This means that he is aware and strictly follows safety and health guidance rules that prevents a customer from any infections or health risks. Also, make sure that you go to a piercing salon or clinic that is clean, properly sanitized and strictly follow sanitation guidelines with regards to equipment as well as needles among other things.

Considering the fact that you are going to be living with that bottom lip piercing for the rest of your days here on earth, you would have to be certain as to where you would want to have the piercing done. Having a bottom lip ring is ideal for those who wants to have their bottom lip pierced as this would have the least contact with your gums and would unlikely to cause any gum damage in the days to come. Or you can try having a labret stud put on your lower lip. Although this is something that you might want to consider rather carefully as this is the kind of jewelry that has flat disc at the back and may do damage to your gums.

While bottom lip piercing is certainly fashionable and unique, you have to be sure that you have thought about getting one very thoroughly and that you have imagined what it would be like to have one. Make sure though, that you get one properly and that you have indeed gone to an expert who knows what he is doing. You would not want to end up with a mouth infection or have trouble talking or even eating and drinking.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ear Piercing - History and Types

Ear Piercing - History and Types

The history of ear piercing goes back to ancient Perspolis in Persia. It is recorded that there were illustrations of soldiers with earrings in the walls of this city. During Dark Ages earrings and other jewelry declined as almost all the populace was impoverished. After the rise of nations later jewelry including earrings was the sign of luxury and high status in society. During the Middle Ages gorgeous dresses and elaborate hairstyles were in fashion and earrings were not so popular. But a bit later when the hair was worn up and the collars became higher earrings got back their popularity. During the next centuries more and more skillful jewel experts appeared and new types of earrings were designed.

In the middle of 19th century it was popular to tied the hair behind the head covering the ears, hats were in fashion and there were no place for earrings. It was also the time when society and religious establishments associated earrings with excess, vanity and heathens and earrings lost their popularity. At the beginning of the 20th century non-pierced clip-on earrings appeared and simultaneously sailors began to wear earrings as the symbol of their adventures. In the sixties hippies and homosexuals were those who helped to rise the popularity of earrings, in the seventies punk rockers inspired the wearing of multiple earrings and in the eighties women began to wear earrings.

Nowadays ear piercing is the common type of body modification which is popular with men, women and children all over the world. Sometimes parents pierce the ears of their daughters even when they are only one year old.

There are various types of piercing and the most widespread is ear lobe piercing. It is the less painful type of ear piercings. Though the soft tissue of the lobe is the best place for quick painless piercing there are at least eight other places where ear can be pierced. The other popular types of ear piercing are vertical, industrial, helix, orbital and anti orbital piercings. Helix piercing is a piercing along the outside rim of the ear and though it is rather difficult to do it is still very popular nowadays. The other widespread type of ear piercing is industrial piercing that joins two holes in the ear with a long straight barbell and you can also wear two single barbells in these holes. Ear gauging is the other popular type of ear modification- a noticeable or even very large hole in the ear lobe looks up-to-date and unusual at the same time.

The healing process of ear piercing lasts for about two months and it is important to follow all recommendations that include keeping the wound clean, avoiding swimming, not keeping phones and other subjects close to the pierced ear.

The choice of ear piercing jewelry nowadays is very wide and there are many trusted on-line jewelry stores that offers high quality and stylish barbells, captive bead rings, ear studs, plugs and other attractive jewelry for your ear piercing. A variety of materials is also available nowadays- silver, gold, stainless steel, acrylics, natural materials such as wood, pearls, bone and horn. Ear piercing is not only the way to follow the fashion trends but the way to show your individuality and style.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Body Piercing - Everything You Always Wanted to Know

Body Piercing - Everything You Always Wanted to Know

Elaine Davidson wasn't content with holding the Guinness World Record for having the most piercings in 2000, when she was verified as having 462 piercings all over her body - including 192 just in her face. No, she went one step further, and in 2001 she broke her own record with 721 piercings in all.

But even that wasn't good enough for the Brazilian nurse, who claims she hates being pierced. Amazingly, as of February, 2009, Elaine was found to have a whopping 6,005 piercings, including more than 500 in her genitalia, both internally and externally. The total weight of all her piercings today is over six pounds of hardware - ensuring that she jingles when she walks, and sets off metal detectors in airports.

"I don't enjoy getting pierced, but to break the record you have to get to a high level," Elaine said in an interview with The Daily Telegraph from Edinburgh, Scotland as she helped open a new piercing studio. "My family don't even like tattoos or piercings. But I am happy. I decided to change myself and be me."

If you want to be you - or be like Elaine - you may be considering getting some part of your body pierced, be it your ears, your tongue or even your genitalia. But before you do, make sure you it's the right decision for you - and that you have the procedure carried out safely and correctly.

Many people are thrilled with the body piercings they get, believing they make them infinitely more attractive, both physically and aesthetically. But some people end up with a lot more than just a cute little stud in their belly button or clitoral hood - such as an infection, excessive bleeding, keloid scarring or even worse...

All types of piercing carry an inherent risk of disease if the equipment is not sterilized properly (see below), which can result in life-threatening illnesses such as Hepatitis B and C and HIV, as well as tuberculosis and syphilis. Piercings can also cause infection, sometimes a systemic one such as sepsis, as well as splitting of the skin and scarring. Allergies to specific types of jewelry can also be problematic.

Popular Piercings

Below are the most popular types of piercings explained, along with risks inherent to them:

Belly Button Piercing. The upper bend of the tummy is pierced with a needle. This can take up to one year to heal completely due to bending etc, so be patient. RISK: Jewelery can get caught on clothing and take even longer to heal, causing infection. Sometimes excessive bleeding and/or nerve damage can result.

Ear Piercing. The only piercing that can safely be done with a piercing gun. RISK: Allergies to certain jewelry can occur so only use stainless steel stud in the beginning, and make sure you follow after-care instructions carefully.

Mouth Piercing. Usually the lip area, either around the lip or on the lip itself. Takes about one month to heal. Piercings are given specific names, called bites, according to the location of the piercing on the lip. RISK: Can increase risk of periodontal, or gum, disease. Can also increase possibility of tooth chipping.

Nose Piercing. Nostril piercing is the most common, and takes second place in the piercing stakes after ears. Nasal septum and bridge piercings are considerably less common - and less attractive as well! RISK: having the wrong type of jewelry placed in your nose can cause pain. As the nose is full of bacteria, it's easy to get an infection. And there is also the danger you could inhale a stud into your lungs.

Eyebrow Piercing. Usually the piercing is at a right angle to your eyebrow line. Rings or barbells are used. RISK: If positioned wrongly can cut nerves in the face.

Cheek Piercing. Often called the Madonna, the Crawford and the Monroe, to look like the beauty spots or moles on these famous people. RISK: Cheek piercings can contribute to gum disease and infections are common.

Nipple Piercing. Suitable for both men and women, either one nipple or both. RISK: The nipple can harden and scar, which could eventually result in difficulties breastfeeding (if you're female, that is).

Female Genital Piercing. Several types are available, depending on the type of clitoris you have (hooded or one that sticks out) and if you want an internal or external piercing. RISK: Can cause condoms to split and increase risk of sexually-transmitted infection and pregnancy. Clitoral or triangle piercings are not always recommended as they can result in loss of clitoral sensation. Safer ones are labia and inner labia piercings, as well as the clitoral hood.

Male Genital Piercing. A plethora of male piercings exist, either through the head of the penis, the foreskin, at the back of the testicles, though the shaft etc. Ask and ye shall receive. RISK: Can cause condoms to split and increase risk of sexually-transmitted infection and pregnancy. Nerve damage can also occur, resulting in a loss of sensation in the penile area.

Guide to Proper Piercing

ALWAYS make sure the facility is licensed by the Board of Health as a piercing studio, that their credentials are up-to-date and that they are members of professional piercing organizations.

ALWAYS make sure the surroundings are clean and hygienic, that the equipment is up-to-date, and that staff are willing to answer all your questions courteously and knowledgeably. Tools should be sterilized in an autoclave, and spore testing carried out monthly, at least. The piercing area should be sterile and kept spotlessly clean following every piercing.

ALWAYS make sure sterile disposable gloves are worn throughout the entire procedure. Ask your piercer to don new gloves if he or she leaves the room to do something else.

ALWAYS make sure that jewelery made from non-corrosive metal is used for your initial piercing. Stainless steel is usually a good choice.

ALWAYS make sure you know about the right after-care procedures. You should be given material to take home with you and re-read, as often there is too much information to take in all at once. Following it to the letter is important.

ALWAYS make sure that if you are under 18 you have a parent or guardian with you if the law in your state requires you to be of a certain age to have a specific piercing carried out. Piercing studios that do not enforce state laws and ask for proof of age are not to be trusted.

Body piercing, in most cases, can be safe and worry-free. Most piercings can be reversed simply by removing the jewelry, although scarring may remain. If you decide this is the route for you, play it safe and choose a safe place. If you're not sure, leave. Don't gamble with your appearance - or your health.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Piercing Your Ears For The First Time

Piercing Your Ears For The First Time

The first time you get your ears pierced can be very stressful. Nobody enjoys having sharp needles pressed into their skin. Still, if you want to have incredible ears then you will have to get them pierced. So, let's talk about how to get ready for the first time you will have your ears pierced.

The most important thing is to realize that it will be a short and painless operation. Well, somewhat painless. It's like a small bee stinging your ear. That doesn't sound so bad, does it?

Some people will apply ice to their ears before they get the work done. Ice has a numbing affect because it is so cold. So, you should bring some ice to the piercing place in a little baggy. Just make sure that you do not overheat the bag, or the ice will turn into water. Water will not have the same results.

Once you get over the fact that this is not going to hurt, you will need to consider some other important things. First, when your ears are pierced you will have to wear your first set of earrings continuously for a long period of time. Because of this, you should pick out a pair of earrings that you will want to wear. I recommend going with a pair that isn't too noticeable. You don't want people to recognize you've been wearing the same set every day. So, go with something that looks nice, but won't be too memorable.

The next thing you will need to figure out is where you want to have the piercing done. Not everyone wants to get pierced on their earlobes. Some people like to get the tops of their ears pierces. You can also get your nose pierced, or even your belly button. These are all traditional places that people enjoy having piercings. Still, you should remember that some places of employment do not want their employees to have piercings all over their body. You should check with your boss before you have the work done.

After you decide what kind of earrings you are going to wear, and where you are going to get pierced, you will need to figure out where you will have the work done. I recommend going to a place that has a good reputation for even settings. If you are getting your ears done, then you will want both ears to be pierced at exactly the same place. Some piercing places are better at this than others. You want the work to be done by someone that knows what they are doing.

I hope that this guide has helped you plan you how you will get your ears pierced for the first time. I know that this can be a scary procedure, but it really doesn't need to be. It can be a lot of fun to wear earrings, and everyone has to go through this process before they can do that. So, you are kind of joining a club.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

How To Get Started With Face Painting

How To Get Started With Face Painting

So you've decided you would like to learn how to paint faces. You want to see your painting bringing joy and delight to young children, maybe at your child's birthday party. Or maybe you want to be a professional face painter.

Face painting really can be a very fun and fulfilling job, but it can also be a lot of hard work.

But if you're a beginner, how do you get started? This is what I'm going to answer for you in this article.

One of the best ways of learning is to take a face painting class. It's hard to say where to find a face painting class near you. Sometimes you can take face and body painting classes at college. Sometimes you can get free face painting classes at certain events. If you were to search Google for "face painting class + your area" you may be able to find someone who can give you some tuition.

If you want to learn advanced face painting techniques, classes are one of the best ways of learning, especially if you want to improve your painting skills quickly.

If you can't find face painting classes in your area (they aren't always many around, so it's certainly no crime if you can't fine one) then you may like to learn from face painting instructional books.

If you search a popular book site like Amazon, you'll be able to find a whole host of books to do with face painting. Read the reviews to find out which is best suited for you.

Another good way for a beginner to learn face painting, is with instructional videos. The obvious benefit over books is that you can actually see how something is done in a video, as apposed to just reading about it.

But sometimes, if you've already got some face painting skills, all you need is a little experience to help you build your confidence.

Would you like to know the quickest way to get lots of practice?

It's simply this: Contact your local children's school and offer to do free face painting for an afternoon. Now you may get turned down... but most likely, they will be very keen to let you do this if you aren't charging anything. This is a powerful way to gain experience fast.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Simple and Contemporary Face Paint Designs

Simple and Contemporary Face Paint Designs

Painting is all about discovering the magic of colours, patterns and designs. Face painting is all about painting magic that can alter faces of people or children into something totally different from what they actually are.

Face painting has been a part of human culture since the evolution of mankind. Tribal groups introduced face painting and body painting to show their concern and faithfulness to a particular group. American Indians, the first inhabitants of the USA, also practiced face painting culture, for identification of the tribal group they belonged to.

In modern times, unions and associations groups had symbols on their faces, to show their union for a cause. Theatre actors often get their faces painted, as it is an occupational requirement. Artists and jokers use face painting designs to make their facial expressions more noticeable while performing on the stage. Sportsmen also colour their faces with face painting designs of the national flag or the colours of the team lucky charm. Every year in Europe, there is a body painting festival, and lots of people take part in face painting.

There are countless practical uses of face painting. In the army, commandos in the fields, often paint their faces with green, black or brown colours to camouflage themselves and dissolve in the landscape at some stages in stealth operations. Face painting designs are immensely admired by kids; they enjoy getting their faces painted at parks and fairs. Therefore, painting designs can be used for camouflage, for representing faithfulness and most importantly, for the sake of fun. Some of the most popular and simple face-painting designs that are fun to paint and carry around are as follows.

A cat, tiger or any cat like face-painting designs are extremely popular and quite simple to paint. First of all, you should decide the background colour, depending upon the type of feline face you are painting. Background should be consisting of colours like yellow, brown or orange. Among kids, Tiger faces are very much liked and appreciated. For making your face-painting prominent, you can make outline of eyes with black liners, nose and whiskers with black dots. If you are painting a tiger face then draw black stripes around the eyes, nose and face.

Clown face designs are the most popular face-painting design worldwide. First of all, give a full white wash to the face. Paint the nose red or stick a red round nose and outline the lips with a red outline to make a continuous smiling face. Last of all, colour the eyebrows and outline the eyes with a black eye liner. You can colour the cheeks with any colour that gets tinted on white. Painting can be further improved by trying out different colour combinations.

You can try out several other unusual face painting designs like the faces of comic book characters like Spiderman, batman or wolverine. You can also make scary faces like witch, warlock or a zombie. Animal Faces can be made like Chipmunks, Zebras, Parrots and other birds. You can also paint your face by abstract designs with splashes of colours, by making unique colour combinations.

These were some of the most popular designs, but one should always keep in mind the choices preferences of boys and girls. Girls are inclined to enjoy imaginative themes, such as the popular yet challenging designs of unicorns. They also prefer butterflies, fairies, flowers, ladybugs, rainbows, cats and other animals. Boys prefer designs, like spiders, skulls, robots, monsters, pirates, dinosaurs, snakes, bats, tigers etc.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Auto Paint How To - A Basic Guide

Auto Paint How To - A Basic Guide

Whether you are just interested in re-spraying a small area to cover up some paint chips, or want to treat your car to a custom paint job that will let you enjoy envious stares from every pedestrian you pass, you will need to follow a few basic rules, and have the right tools to hand in order to carry out the work to a high standard.

The first thing to mention about auto paint jobs is that you should always work in a well ventilated area. Paint fumes can include a number of solvents that can leave you feeling light headed and even poison you if you inhale them, so make sure there is free passage of air through your work shop when you are painting. You should also wear a respirator mask during painting or preparation to avoid inhaling any paint and loose dust that you release.

To get the best effects when painting, you also need to make sure that you are able to keep dust to a minimum. You can achieve a good environment by hanging sheets from floor to ceiling in the area where you are working, and wearing overalls. You should also vacuum clean the area where you are painting at the beginning of every session.

When you apply auto body paint, the main thing is to get a good even finish that looks good, and the key to getting a good finish is having a good start. Preparation is everything in paining. Get it right, and you will be able to enjoy a fantastic smooth finish that will last for years and look great, skimp on your preparation, and your finish will look shabby straight away, and then get worse over time.

Before you paint, you need to strip off the old paint job. You can do this with a solvent based paint remover, or do it the hard way by sanding back the panels to bare metal using a sander. Whichever method you choose, you need to make sure that you have a very smooth base. To achieve this, use the finest grade abrasive paper available, and be prepared to put serious time into the job.

Once you are satisfied with your base, you can start applying the primer. Use a HLVP spray gun connected to an air compressor, as this is much more even than an aerosol, and will be much cheaper in the long run. You should use long sweeping strokes in a single direction to get a good base to paint onto. After every coat, allow the paint to dry, and then sand it back to a smooth surface. Then apply the next coat in strokes that go at 90 degrees to the previous layer, as this will produce an even color.

There are two types of auto paint that you can use on a car, cellulose based and Two Pack auto paint. Most painters now use Two Pack because it gives a better finish, and metallic colors are available, whereas cellulose paint can be tricky to deal with, and is best used on classic cars where you are trying to recapture an older style.

As with the primer, you should apply the auto paint in coats, spraying in a single direction, then sanding back to a fine surface to remove any imperfections, before applying the next layer at right angles to the previous one.

In between coats, it is imperative to clean the nozzles on your HVLP spray gun, as otherwise, small flakes of dried paint can be caught up in the spray and cause imperfections that will spoil the final effect.

Once you are satisfied that you have got a good covering and applied enough coats of auto body paint to create an excellent finish, apply one more coat for best effects, allow it to dry, and then sand back for a smooth finish. You should leave the paint to dry completely for 24 hours and then apply a wax polish to the whole body in order to protect your new paint job and give it a shine that will certainly catch the attention of anyone you pass on the road.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Painting - Some Technical Aspects

Painting - Some Technical Aspects

Painters must be aware of all the intricacies of painting but for the novices, we bring a snapshot of certain technical aspects of painting which will help them out in developing this art.

This refers to the medium used in paintings. It is the color type which is applied on the canvas. The choice of media depends on the solubility, viscosity and miscibility of the fabric or base used. Some examples of painting media include oil paints, pastel paints, spray colors, water colors, enamel paint and wax paint.

Styles of painting vary from person to person. It depends upon the comfort and interest of the painter. It may also include the use of brushes and paints. In fact, every painter is famous for a particular style of art. Some common forms of painting styles are:
Western: folk, graffiti, body painting, abstract figurative, Oriental and primitive.
Eastern: ink and wash, Persian miniature, madhubani, samikshavad and mughal.

Modern forms
Paints are a thing of past. Now, almost each and everything is used in painting. Be it paper pieces, sand, dust, cement, wood or any other material, they are widely being used in giving texture and extra look to the paintings.

Digitization has also brought various software in the market like Adobe Photo shop, corel draw, image maker and many other which can insert any design, shade or style which you can ever imagine of.
Recent time applications

Gone are the days when painting was done on canvas through brush and paints, exhibited, sold and over. Now it finds its applications in a host of other fields also. The basics and studies of painting are being used in interior designing for decorating houses. Painting provides an insight onto various color combination s and contrasts which enables interior designers to make heaven out of homes.

Another application of painting is in fashion designing where designers create aesthetic and graceful dresses of beautiful color combination s. Here also, the fundamentals of painting come handy in deciding which color or shade suits best on a particular complexion and figure.

A final word
Painting is a universe in itself and you will get more engrossed in it if you will delve deep into it. There are treasures to be found in this area but it requires patience and long years of hard and sincere work. It can be opted both as a hobby and as a profession. The difference lies in the commitment and pursuit.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

World Cup 2010 Body Paint

World Cup 2010 Body Paint

The 2010 World Cup started last June 11 2010 and will end July 11 2010 in South Africa. This is the first time that the tournament will be held in an African Nation. The FIFA World Cup is the sport that is most watched internationally. The soccer tournament is the most significant sporting gathering not only because of their well skilled popular team or country players, but also because of each National Team's hot female beauties that took part in the current 2010 body paint.

The beautiful hot female beauties that took part in the current soccer games 2010 body paint used impressive art as way of body make up. The hot female beauties have their body only painted while exposing themselves in the World Cup 2010. These hot female beauties with their bodies only painted have contributed much to the success of the worlds most prestigious and sought football tournament or the FIFA.

The World Cup 2010 work of art on the sexy female models features sexy outfits that quite resemble the different jerseys of the FIFA soccer tournament 2010 players depending on the country they represent. Some soccer tournament 2010 body paint features sexy swim suits underneath the skimpy FIFA soccer games 2010 jerseys. The way that the jerseys are painted in each of the body of the hot female beauties is an artistic feat that is out of this world.

The soccer finals 2010 body paint is truly artistic and something to look forward to when watching the FIFA soccer games 2010 aside from its breath taking FIFA matches. There are a couple of artistically impressive grand soccer finals 2010 body arts photographs in the internet which are a sneak peak of what the World Cup 2010 body paint has to offer.